
13 posts

Essays about simplicity, minimalism and creativity from Andre Schütz on

Start more easily - simplicity to go - Andre Schütz

How to start more easily – change “we should” to “we will”

Making a decision and starting new things is often the hardest part of the whole journey. But without this initial effort, there won’t be a real start and we will maybe dream forever from doing it.

Some of us are top-heavy people. We try to find an explanation for everything. It must be logical to do it. Without real facts that speak for the decision, no action will occur.
On the other hand are the emotional people. They are more commited to their emotions which do not require facts or logic.

And most often, we are both.

Trapped between our head and our emotions.

And that is the moment, when it gets problematic.

“Should” does not mean “will”

Only by thinking that we “should” change something does not mean that we really “will” do it. There can be a big discrepancy between the intention of doing something and actually doing it.

Only by wanting it does not mean also doing it!

People use the word “procrastination” to describe situations where they wanted to do something but not have actually done it. A “should” provides the first possibility to reach such a situation.

Here the power of words is particularly well reflected. Our brain sees a possibility to escape the action. The “should” or “could” is a great excuse.

So, use the power of the words to your own favor.

By exchanging “should” and “could” with “must” and “will”, we reduce the possibilities.
A “should” offered is a “We can do it” and a “We will do it”.
A “will” only stands for “We will do it”.

Simple, Simplicity.

Moreover, you can also exchange a “We try to reach it.” into a “We will reach it.”.

Make it easy for your brain. Make a decision.

Make a plan

Nevertheless, making a decision isn’t easy. If we are unsure about the decision, it is often the lack of information that makes us feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, we must change this circumstance before we make a decision and define a rough plan:

  1. If we miss data or information, get it. All that we need.
  2. If we have no plan, we define one. As detailed as possible. With possible steps to follow.
  3. If we do not know, when to start, we start today (or after sleeping). There is no perfect time or moment. Nobody of us knows, what comes tomorrow or in a couple of days, weeks, months.

Make it happen and not just being a dream.