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Essays about simplicity, minimalism and creativity from Andre Schütz on

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Why I started with intermittent fasting

As I started with my new lifestyle as minimalist and simplicist, I also decided to try fasting. I thought about it since several years but never started a trial.

Since I am a father, fasting is not an easy approach, if you want to have the meals with your family. But, I found a solution.

Intermittent fasting.

This approach fits perfectly to my personal lifestyle. Let me explain.

What is intermittent fasting

I personally prefer the 16/8 method which allows me to decide when I do not want to eat.
16/8 means, that we have 8 hours in which we can eat and 16 hours without food. Within the 16 hours, the metabolism starts his little fasting period and uses also the depots of our body that are not affected if we eat without breaks.

Moreover, the fasting periods are short enough that our muscles are not affected. Other approaches, where people do not eat over longer periods of time, can reduce the muscles mass. For me, that would be counterproductive.

Famous advantages, mentioned in some articles, are:

  • Better skin
  • Reducing of weight and the fat belly
  • Better sleep
  • Fasting without loss of muscle mass

How I incorporate it into my everyday life

As I mentioned, having a family can be a challenge in respect to fasting. Family meals are important and being the only one, who does not eat, is not really desirable.

Therefore, I made a decision which fits perfectly into my daily routines.

During the week, from monday till friday, I do not eat the breakfast. In the morning, I wake up the children and prepare them for the kindergarten. When they eat their breakfast, I can prepare other tasks.

That means, my last meal is at 19:30 and I eat the next one at the coming day after 12:00. This period are the 16 hours without food in which my body can rest and consume what he already has (some fat depots).

What are my expectations of intermittent fasting

Honestly, I want to be surprised.

As you read about intermittent fasting, you hear many positive aspects and outcomes. But who knows, if these are really happening.

Maybe, I will reduce my weight by 2-3 kilograms and the sleep at night gets even better. It is mentioned that the body does not have to process the late meals and can rest much better. Some nice positive effects, if true.

Moreover, I believe that my concentration is better. During the morning, I can concentrate 100% on my work. No interruptions because of several snack breaks. Productivity increases.

After the first weeks, I am really happy with my decision and will continue with my path.

See ya.