mind trick

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Memory Palace Technique - Andre Schütz - Simplicity To Go

Remember difficult lists with the Memory Palace technique

Day by day, we have to remember numerous information. Whether it is a shopping list, an exam during your studies or the names of your colleagues. These information are important for us, but not always easy to remember.

The Memory Palace technique, which was invented (as it seems) by an ancient Roman person (Simonides of Ceos) promises some simple help to us.

But how?

Transform boring to colorful

The Memory Palace is a place that is defined by you. It can be your house, your study room or just an imaginary place.

The important fact is that you should always use the same place. That makes it easier to remember the information that you want to connect to your Memory Palace.

You use the Memory Palace by connecting the relevant information to specific places in your Memory Palace. Afterwards, you walk through your place and collect the information.

The more colorful and absurd the images are, the easier you will remember the single information. The ultimate mastery is reached, if you also connect smells and feelings to the information you want to remember.

Some side note: Research found out that the Hippocampus is relevant for learning and your memory. Short term information is transported to the long term memory.

Create your Memory Palace

Okay, let’s define an example.

First, we create our Memory Palace. In our case, we create an imaginary house.

This house has a frontyard, a nice living room and a backyard. Try to make it as pictorial as possible.

Now, we put the information into our Memory Palace.

Remember the shopping list

You are at work and your wife is calling you. She asks if you can stop at the grocery store to pick something up. A few apples and a bottle of milk.

The boring version.

You could put some apples on the porch of your home and a bottle of milk next to them.

But stop. Let’s create a more colorful and absurd version.

You walk the path to your house and see a clown with a bow who is shooting some apples from the tree next to the house. Every time he hits one, he jumps into the air and screams: “Heya”
You continue your walk to the house and open the door. The moment you enter the house, you are showered by a flood of cold milk, which was placed in a large tub above the door. You can smell the cold milk running down your body and into your shoes.

What do you think is easier to remember and lasts longer?

Give it a try.

See ya.